Outdoor Play: Helping to Reduce Obesity in Primary School Children.

National Obesity Week
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Obesity rates amongst primary school aged children are increasing year in year out.

Government statistics show that 1 in 5 children are starting primary school either obese or overweight.

This means that 20% of four year old’s are overweight! Experts have predicted that these rates could rise as high as 50% by 2020.

The National Obesity Forum are working towards putting a stop to the obesity epidemic that is sweeping the UK.

In order to do this each year they hold a national awareness week which runs at the beginning of January. This week is held to draw the public attention towards the issues surrounding obesity as a whole.

They state that a combination of avoiding snacksmaking healthier food choices and engaging in more activity, can put a stop to obesity for good! By encouraging this type of behaviour in children, we can save them from experiencing weight related problems in adulthood.

Statistics state that people who were obese as children are more likely to be overweight or obese as adults.

This comes with a price. Being obese is known to cause heart problemsdiabetes and certain cancers. Therefore, in order to have a healthy adulthood, we need to ensure we promote a healthy childhood!

Help Children to Become More Active.

Children are spending more time indoors behind a screen, and this is one of the main causes for obesity in children under 15.

We need to fix this problem meaning that as a nation we need to help our children become more active!

Making a change doesn’t have to be hard.

Simple exercises, like walking the dogs with your children, or playing in the local park, are great ways to increase your physical activity.

All outdoor activities do not have to be daunting, especially for children.

Children can get enough exercise just from engaging in active play. Without even realising, children are exercising their whole body whilst they play. Especially when using outdoor playground equipment.

Doing Our Part.

At Hand Made Places we supply great quality outdoor playground equipment which encourages children to get outdoors and get active. Playing outdoors is a great way to get children moving as it both stimulates the mind and improves physical health.

Encouraging children to play on equipment, such as outdoor play units, helps to improve their muscle tone and bone development.

Projects like the one which we did at Townhill Infant School, promote active play, allowing children to get their daily recommended exercise, whilst having too much fun to notice!

Another piece of equipment that we have which enables children to have fun whist they exercise, is our range of outdoor fitness equipment. Though specifically designed to encourage children to exercise, it is not lacking in the fun factor.

Children can gain social interaction, improve their physical ability, and enjoy themselves, all whilst playing on our fitness equipment.

There are so many ways in which you can increase the amount of physical activity that your child engages in.

However, here at Hand Made Places we believe that play is the best way!

It not only provides children with hours of fun, but it also helps to prevent childhood obesity and improve major skills such as communication, and social interaction.

Head over to Sunshine Gym to browse our full range of Children’s Outdoor Fitness Equipment.
