The Power of Fantasy Books - Roald Dahl Day

The Power of Children's Fantasy Books - Roald Dahl Day - Hand Made Places
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Story time is amongst the most memorable and exciting elements of childhood. Previously we’ve looked at the developmental benefits of reading and found that fantasy stories are particularly known for influencing growth and imagination! This week we’re celebrating the fantastical worlds children find in the works of Roald Dahl; come with us as we investigate the power of children’s fantasy books…

Nourishing the Creative Mind

Roald Dahl has certainly had a lot to do with fuelling childhood fantasy worlds; he’s therefore had a considerable hand in promoting childhood imagination.

They may not remember their homework or what they ate for breakfast! However they are bound to remember Charlie Bucket’s habit of savouring that one, precious chocolate he received every year for his birthday.

Who didn’t secretly wish they could be like Charlie? Seeing a chocolate river, eating an everlasting gobstopper, and best of all meeting anti-hero and chocolatier extraordinaire, Willy Wonka.

These vicarious experiences turn into dreams which last a lifetime.

Dahl introduced us to the wiles of Mr Fox, and helped us to climb the empire state building with James and the insects. Every Charlie in the world waited for their golden ticket, and every Matilda believed they had special powers…

Even today, almost three decades after Dahl’s death, children still take courage from these characters. It is that touch of magic mixed with the real world which pushes beyond what seems possible, motivating us to achieve greatness.

Such is the power of children’s fantasy books.

Roald Dahl Day

Roald Dahl Day is celebrated annually on September 13th, which also marks his birthday. On this day, children from all over the world engage in fun activities, putting their reading and writing skills to work. That might involve reading his books, dressing up as their favourite character, or even inventing their own. We’re joining in the celebrations to encourage little ones to hang on to their imagination; we want to see everyone jump into the world of children’s fantasy books.

Building Fantasy Lands for Children

Hand Made Places manufactures playground equipment which you can use to re-create aspects of fantasy books. For example, our wide range of play sculptures. Children can chat with a life-sized Mr Grasshopper or even try to outsmart the Enormous Crocodile. On top of that, a Mud Kitchen allows you to create your very own mystical, magical, marvellous medicine!

And when you’re all worn out from lively, imaginative play, you can act just like Matilda; just enjoy your favourite fantasy story in your very own Storyteller’s Chair.

The possibilities for this year’s Roald Dahl Day are endless. So sit back and enjoy a day of reading, playing and creativity to celebrate the adventures and imagination of an absolutely ‘whoopsy whiffling’ set of characters.
