Beech Village Play Area

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Beech is a small picturesque village in the heart of Hampshire, not short of stunning surrounding green spaces but the community had no playground within walking distance for the children of the village. Local resident Jo Harrop contacted Hand Made Places in the summer of 2013, she was brimming with enthusiasm for the project having two young children of her own. There had been talk of creating a play area for some time in the village and Jo decided it was time to put words into action! With funding from the Village Hall Fund and generous donations from locals the play area was up and running just 8 months after the initial appeal for support was launched. The scheme includes a Sunflower play tower, two types of swings, a Dragonfly play sculpture and bespoke Beech leaf table and seats specially engraved to recognise families within the village that gave their support to the project.

I had so much good feedback since the playground was completed. Guests at a recent wedding reception in the Village Hall enjoyed it, and the level of use over the first week exceeded even my expectations. I was touched to not only see children enjoy the swing, slide, climbing frame and balancing on the dragonfly, but also teenagers and families using it as a meeting place. Daniel Gordon, Chair, Beech Playground Working Group.
