Imperial War Musuem Play Area, RAF Duxford, Cambridgeshire

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The Imperial War Museum were looking to provide a play area for their ever increasing visitors at its location in RAF Duxford and we were super excited to be asked to provide an area which was fun, educational and above all in-keeping with its surroundings and the RAF heritage.

Straight away we got our heads together and starting brainstorming ideas for exciting original items to make. We had the idea of a Lancaster bomber climbing structure, and this successful bespoke design was chosen by the Imperial War Museum as the feature piece of their new play area.

The unit is aimed specifically at children between the ages of 4 and 13 the Lancaster offers a variety of physical experiences such as climbing and crawling.

The most important aspect of the unit though is the imaginative play experience that it encourages within the context of spending time at the museum and learning about aviation history. From crawling through the fuselage to sitting in the cockpit, the children can imagine they are in the bomber crews of World War II and garner a better understanding of the environment they fought in.

The bomber is situated in a play zone which offers further physical play equipment that includes sliding and rocking.  A ‘Watch Tower’ and ‘Springers’ were also designed to be in-keeping with the Second World War aviation theme.
